What are you missing? Blind spots. We all have them… those personality quirks, weaknesses, and annoyances that create barriers for people around us. What are yours? You don’t know! That is why they are called blind spots. However, you NEED to figure out what they are if you want to grow personally, professionally, and take your team to the next level.
Blind spots are usually not huge, obvious issues that cause us to fail. Those problems people are quick to point out and identify. Blind spots are the things that make you difficult to work with. They keep co-workers from building trust with you. They cause your direct reports to avoid coming to you. They cause the leaders above you to not be transparent or fully engaged with you. Blind spots will cause your customers to prefer another sales person or vendor. They will drive your spouse crazy and make your home a difficult place for your children. We all have blind spots. Great leaders have others help them recognize and deal with their blind spots. Average leaders don’t even know they exist.
How do you find a blind spot?