The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever (Box of Crayons Press, 2016)

If you want to be great at leading, coaching, consulting and helping develop others then you should read this book. We simply talk too much for others when trying to lead them. We hinder their growth, impose our own thoughts and ideas, and hold them back. Learn how to listen well and lead others by asking great questions. This book has 4.7 out of 5 stars on Amazon and 365 customer reviews.

Trapped By Titles

Our culture likes titles. Companies get fixated on organizational charts in an attempt to match the perfect titles with the right people at the right layers (and then change them again next year.) Individuals obsess over and chase after the recognition that goes along with titles. People drive their identity and self-worth from the role listed on their business card.

Titles are important and do have a role to play to bring clarity and avoid confusion. However, often times we allow our title to limit our success.