A Guaranteed Way To Be Noticed And Differentiate Yourself

Throughout history, the Jewish people have been one of the most persecuted people but also the most prosperous. How is it they always find ways to succeed and thrive in very difficult circumstances?

In his book “Thou Shall Prosper: Ten Commandments for Making Money” Rabbi Daniel Lapin talks about a key view of the Jewish people: they are always looking for ways to add value. If you make “Always Add Value” your mantra in the marketplace you will be noticed and differentiate yourself from your competition. Rewards, recognition, and resources follow those that always add value.

What are you investing in?

The investment guaranteed to beat the stock market.

We live in times that are rapidly changing and often feel like a roller coaster. Last week the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. It shocked most experts and caused stock markets around the world to tumble. For those with investments in stocks (many of you) it caused a knot in your stomach and maybe even led to fear as you looked at your shrinking savings.

It’s made me think about the things we invest in. Regardless of your financial wealth we all make investments every day. I would suggest that even more valuable than your money is how you invest your TIME and ENERGY. Are you making investments that will make a difference? Are you investing in things that will last or items that will eventually fade away?