6 Steps To Writing Your First LinkedIn Post

Months before I launched this blog I started practicing writing posts on my profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn posts are one of the best ways to build your network, influence, and connections in the marketplace. Are you thinking about writing your first post? I’ve had more success in my first month of posting than I expected. I’ve connected with a lot of new people and expanded my network.

For transparency here are how my first four posts have performed:

The Key to a Highly Productive Team Without Burnout

Remember that overly critical leader you worked for who always demanded more and caused frequent burnout and turnover on your team? How about that manager that was super friendly, never held anyone accountable and always made excuses for those that underperformed? These are two extremes on the spectrum of encouragement and challenge. As leaders, we must create environments that our team loves but also that produce results.

What kind of leader are you: a Challenger or Encourager? What kind of environment are you creating? A useful tool to help with this is the Encouragement and Challenge Matrix.

What are you investing in?

The investment guaranteed to beat the stock market.

We live in times that are rapidly changing and often feel like a roller coaster. Last week the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. It shocked most experts and caused stock markets around the world to tumble. For those with investments in stocks (many of you) it caused a knot in your stomach and maybe even led to fear as you looked at your shrinking savings.

It’s made me think about the things we invest in. Regardless of your financial wealth we all make investments every day. I would suggest that even more valuable than your money is how you invest your TIME and ENERGY. Are you making investments that will make a difference? Are you investing in things that will last or items that will eventually fade away?

Everyone Knows This About You Except YOU!

What are you missing? Blind spots. We all have them… those personality quirks, weaknesses, and annoyances that create barriers for people around us. What are yours? You don’t know! That is why they are called blind spots. However, you NEED to figure out what they are if you want to grow personally, professionally, and take your team to the next level.

Blind spots are usually not huge, obvious issues that cause us to fail. Those problems people are quick to point out and identify. Blind spots are the things that make you difficult to work with. They keep co-workers from building trust with you. They cause your direct reports to avoid coming to you. They cause the leaders above you to not be transparent or fully engaged with you. Blind spots will cause your customers to prefer another sales person or vendor. They will drive your spouse crazy and make your home a difficult place for your children. We all have blind spots. Great leaders have others help them recognize and deal with their blind spots. Average leaders don’t even know they exist.

How do you find a blind spot?